1. Electrical Stimulation (TENS, EMS, Russian, IFC): Burnaby Dr. Isaac Daeyoung Lee’s Chiropractic Clinic will facilitate a commercial grade electrical stimulation. Electrical stimulation has many beneficial effects on patients. Benefits are listed below.
– improve muscle strength and coordination after surgery/injury
– improve muscle functions after surgery/injury
– improve motor recovery after stroke
– decrease chronic muscle pain
– relaxation of muscle spasms
– prevention of atrophy of muscles due to inactivity
– increase local blood circulation
– increase range of motion of certain muscles and joints
2. Therapeutic Ultrasound: Therapeutic ultrasound is known to be effective in treating certain conditions such as decrease inflammation, increase local blood flow, increased fibroblastic proliferation and collagen formation, enhance scar tissue remodeling, and decrease pain.
– overuse injuries
– tennis/golfer’s elbow
– tendinitis on shoulder, knee, elbow, and other joints
– carpal tunnel syndrome
– rotator cuff syndrome
Dr. Isaac D. Lee Chiropractor/ Healing Sense Clinic
101A-3701 Hastings St, Burnaby BC Canada, V5C 2H6 www.healingsenseclinic.com 778-379-5086